
on: blogs

I think the internet is pretty silly. Mass amounts of information, constantly cross-referencing itself and being rewritten by the masses? Cool. The ability to bypass international media corporations in favor of free file sharing? Crucial. Getting yr face sucked into yet another luminous screen for hours and hours every day? Not so much. Don't get me wrong, kids, I love my computer too. But Googlebooks makes me nervous, and I fear that when the revolution comes- or, worse, when it doesn't- we'll lack essential skills that go beyond hitting the refresh button on our facebook pages.

That is to say, I love everything analog.
That is to say, it's been ocurring to me more and more lately that in order to take myself seriously I might have to start writing for an audience, or at least pretend to. The word blog annoys me (almost as much as the term blogosphere) but here it is, a digital sampling of works-in-progress, a (slightly) polished composite.
Blowing gigantic wads into the faceless void of the internet. Here we go!

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